Hu Xinran

Since from 1994, she has provided various legal services for hundreds of enterprises. She focuses on company law and real estate law, accumulating lots of experience especially in equity structure, company listing, finance and investment, three old transformation (literally means the transformation of old towns, factories and villages), urban renewal and PPP.As an expert in old city renovation, Hu was invited by lawyer associations in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xi’an, Nanjing and Lanzhou to give a lecture for other lawyers. In 2013, Hu’s law office was honored by ALB “China’s Top 10 Popular Law Offices” because of their fruitful achievements in “three old transformation”. She also led as the general counsel in an urban village transformation named Liede Village which is the only successfully transformed urban village in Guangzhou. Later she continued to provide whole legal service for several other villages in transformation and city renewal programs. She authors On Practice of Nail Household Problem in Urban Village Transformation Resettlement -Take the Example of Liede Village, Guangzhou.

Hu Xinran
China Old City Transformation
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